About Us
Daughters of the Underground began as a Collective of Black women who united for the sole and soul purpose of embodying the spirit of our ancestors as freedom fighters and justice warriors.
Our initial connection was made in Spring of 2020 when we walked 116-miles in the steps of Harriet Tubman from Cambridge, MD to Kennett Square, PA with "We Walk With Harriet". The walk inspired a spiritual bond that is at the core of the collective mission of the Daughters of the Underground.
We invoke Harriet Tubman as our spiritual leader and embrace her life and principles as our guide --
faith, courage, wisdom and care for community.
Our Mission
To celebrate the spirit and strength of Black Women through acts that honor the mental fortitude, physical endurance and unbroken self-determination of our ancestors and foremothers in our continued pursuit of justice and liberation.
Our Vision
To inspire a world where communities of color are honored, uplifted, empowered and thriving